
This tab shows general metrics showing the performance of the pickzen. Here is an example of the Overview panel:

It is composed of the following sections:

Engagement Summary

In this sample, the pickzen was seen by 3.2K users, of which 2.5K interacted with it (started). This leads to a start rate of 80%. On the other side, the pickzen was completed by 1.7K users, of which 1.2K clicked on any recommended product. This leads to a clicking rate of 69%.

Completion Rate

It shows the rate of users that complete the pickzen versus those that start.

Activity Summary

It shows the visits, engagement visits, and average duration of the pickzen along with the percentage difference versus the previous period.

Total OS Share

It shows a breakdown of the visitors by Operating System:

Drop Off

It shows a breakdown of the abandonment percentage of each slide:

This information can be used to improve the completion rate of the pickzen.

Sales Funnel

It shows a visual breakdown from views to sales that can be used to optimize the overall sales:

The following table describes each metric:

Top Performing Products (Click-throughs)

It shows the products that have been clicked through the most, along with the number of clicks, and the click-through to recommendation ratio (CTR).

Most Efficient Products (Click-throughs)

It shows the products that have the best click-through to recommendation ratio (CTR), along with the number of clicks, and the CTR value.

Top Performing Products (Sales)

It shows the products that have the most sales, along with the number of sales, and the conversion rate (CR).

Most Efficient Products (Sales)

It shows the products that have the best purchase to views ratio, along with the number of sales, and the conversion rate (CR).

Top Clicked Products

It shows a table with the products recommended by Pickzen that were clicked through the most:

Least Efficient Products

It shows a table with the products recommended by Pickzen that were clicked through the least:


It shows the number of interested customers who have left their contact information: e-mail or phone number:

Direct Sales

It shows the sum of sales of products recommended by Pickzen.

Total Sales

It shows the sum of sales of products recommended by Pickzen (Direct sales) and not recommended by Pickzen (Indirect sales).

Indirect Sales are sales of products not recommended by Pickzen. This is important in pickzens that don't recommend products, for example, a Sizer. Pickzen will claim an indirect sale only if the customer previously completed a pickzen. So, if a user does not interact with Pickzen, her sales won't be displayed here.

Referred Revenue

It shows the sum of the value of products referred with click-throughs.

Top Sold Products

It shows a table with the products recommended by Pickzen that were sold the most.

Least Efficient Products (Sales)

It shows a table with the products recommended by Pickzen that were sold the least.

By default, the Sales metrics are not displayed. They are only available in certain plans. Please contact us in case you need them.

Last updated