User answers
User answers can be used to show the user responses in the pickzen itself or to send emails for storytelling purposes.
Say you have a pickzen with three questions: Flat/Heel, Slide/Thong and Walk a lot yes/no.
You can show your user answers in any slide or in the emails sent to create a personalized story.
Go to General Settings, select the Insertable texts tab, and expand User answers:
Here you can see all defined answers, and below in yellow, the insertion codes to write in your slides or email templates. The explanation of each of them is the following:
%responses% : Combine the user answers separated by commas.
%responses:slideId% : Combine the user answers of a specific slide(s) separated by commas.
%form:fieldId% : Take the response of the field with Id provided.
You can get the slide and field Ids from the developers panel.
If we insert the code %responses% in the end slide like this:
The result would be:
You can see the user answers, but the final result is not as good as the answers that are inserted manually. We can do it better by editing the texts. Return to the User answers panel:
Edit the texts clicking on each answer:
And change the end slide text to:
The final story is now more relevant to the user:
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