Admin names
Imagine you create a very long question and/or very long answers like this:
This question will appear on the slides selector as:
If you have multiple questions it will be difficult to find the slide you are looking for. But worse, some parts of the editor will only show the first characters of the title, for example on the linking panel:
And also on the view tree panel:
As you see, working with long questions and answers is problematic. In order to solve these issues, you can assign admin names both for your questions and your answers. Admin names will only be displayed inside the editor for management purposes.
To set the admin name of a question, click on the Slide settings and enter a descriptive text:
In the case of the answers, you will need to click on each answer settings:
And enter the Admin name:
Once done, the linking will be far more usable:
And the tree will be completely understandable:
Last updated