Response based texts

Response-based texts are customized texts based on the user responses that can be shown in a pickzen or sent emails.

Say you are selling vitamins and you ask this question:

You want to show a message in the results indicating that the recommended vitamins are safe for pregnant woman, but you only want to show this message when it is a pregnant woman who is taking the quiz.

Click on the Add text button:

To create a response based text, you must define the condition if you want to display it first. In this case would be a Simple Rule:

Finally enter info as alias:

Once you have defined an insertable text, go to the end slide and set this parameter in the slide:

When you take the pickzen and answer you are pregnant, this will be the result:

If you answer anything else, no extra message will be shown:

In this example, we have defined only one insertable text, but we can define as much as we need. For example:

Note we used the same Alias info in order to use the same placeholder, but you could use a different alias if you need.

Last updated