Branching controlled by tree

By default, Pickzen shows the slides based on their order and settings with dependencies, as explained in the Branching controlled by slides section. However, there are situations where more control is needed. In these cases, a manual decision tree could be an optimal solution. Unlike the default mode, in this mode you have to indicate which questions will be asked after each user response as in the following example:

In tree-mode, the slides are represented as circles and are called “nodes”. A final node is called an “endpoint” and defines the products to be recommended when the endpoint is reached. The lines joining nodes are called “branches.” In this example, the first question is “Fashion / Comfort” and the next slides would be shown according to the answers following the branches of the tree until an endpoint is reached. The products defined at the endpoint will be recommended to the user.

In this example, we can see there are two types of slides, branching slides and non-branching slides. A branching slide will lead the user to different outcomes based on the answers. For example, if the user answers “Flat” it will lead to an endpoint that recommends 4 products. However, if “Heel” is answered, it will lead to the question “High / Low”. Unlike branching slides, non-branching slides will lead the user to the same outcome. They are useful to capture lead information, and they are not used to recommend products or to create advanced recommendation rules.

When hovering on an endpoint, the defined products are shown:

So, if the user doesn’t answer anything to the Fashion/Comfort question, but answers Heel and Low Heel, the three products shown above will be recommended.

Creating a tree

To start creating a tree, you have to change the end slide type to End tree:

After entering the tree mode, the step 3 title will change in the breadcrumb:

Once you have all the slides created and your products have been imported, you can create the tree in step 3 as indicated in the following video:

If you right-click over a node, a menu pops up:

This menu allows you to edit the node in order to change the slide or set it as an endpoint. You can also copy a node along with its branches and paste it over to another node to duplicate branches.

Branching controlled by tree is only available from our Plus plan.

Last updated